We are the area’s freshest website and free newspaper. Not just another online directory, our content and photography is original and our audience is all local and growing fast. This makes us the best choice for promoting your business or event.
Our main target is 20-40 year old influencers and urban enthusiasts, equally split male and female. We keep the site accessible to a wider audience so that it is useful for everyone living in or visiting the BH area. The site helps readers stay in the know and answer questions like what’s new in BH, what to do, where to eat and drink and what to see.
Rising web traffic and community
Launched in October 2010, the site now attracts thousands of visitors per week, with numbers currently increasing at a rate of 60% month on month. We also have a strong presence on social networks including Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare as well as our own email list with growing follower numbers and interaction levels that beat industry averages.
Print edition
Launched in August 2011, our free tabloid goes out every fortnight, with 20,000 copies made available across over 150 distribution points and selected areas of door-to-door distribution in Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch. We use professional distributors for our door-to-door deliveries, including full reporting, whilst our distribution points include retail stores, coffee shops, hairdressers, colleges, hotels, offices, entertainment venues, tourism offices and more.
Local pride
We have a strong focus on promoting local businesses, supporting local events including the Bournemouth Tourism Awards and Bournemouth Travel Guide, and are proud to be part of the local community.